An overloaded aircraft may fail to become airborne, while an out-of-limits
centre of gravity seriously affects stability and controllability. Pilots must
appreciate the effects of weight and balance on the performance and handling of
aircraft, particularly in combination with other performance reducing factors,
such as long/wet grass, a 'tired' engine, severe or un-coordinated manoeuvres,
turbulence, high ambient temperatures and emergency situations.
The effects of overloading include:
· reduced acceleration/greater take-off
speed, take-off run, & distance to clear a 50 ft. obstacle
· decreased angle of climb/reduced
obstacle clearance capability after take-off
· excessive loads on landing gear,
especially if the runway is rough
· reduced ceiling, rate of climb, & range
· impaired manoeuvrability & controllability
· increased stall speeds
· increased landing speeds, requiring a
longer runway
· reduced braking effectiveness & structural
strength margins
· with twin-engine aircraft, failure to
climb/maintain height on one engine
Forward and aft limits on the centre of gravity (cg) are established
during type certification; they are the extreme cg positions at which
longitudinal stability requirements can be met.
Exceeding the forward cg limit usually results in:
· difficulty in rotating to take-off
· increased stall or minimum flying speed
against full up elevator
· extra tail downforce requiring more
lift from wing, resulting in greater induced drag. This means higher fuel
consumption and reduced range
· inadequate nose up trim in landing
configuration, necessitating a pull force throughout the approach making it
more difficult to fly a stable approach
· difficulty in flaring/holding the nose
wheel off after touch down. Inability to hold the nose up during a bounce can
result in damaged nose landing gear and propeller
· increased loads on the nose landing
Exceeding the aft cg limit usually results in:
· pitch-up at low speed & high power,
leading to premature rotation on take-off, or inadvertent stall in the climb or
during a go-around
· on a tail wheel type, difficulty in
raising the tail/maintaining directional control on the ground
· difficulty trimming, especially at high
· longitudinal instability, particularly
in turbulence, with possible reversal of control forces
degraded stall qualities to an unknown degree
more difficult spin recovery, unexplored spin behaviour, delay in/inability
to recover
(Acknowledgements: Goldi Productions Ltd.)