Whatever the disability, we can get you safely in to the air!
In July this year our Aerobility Flying Instructor, Norman had the pleasure of flying with an incredible lady named Julie Davies.
Julie is blind and a double leg amputee, but still
retains her awe-inspiring and adventurous spirit.
After being hoisted into the aircraft and with her son in
the back seat, Julie was raring to go!
Julie told us that hearing how things sound
through the headphones and the sensation of the aircraft as it accelerated into
take-off were wonderful to experience. Once in flight, Julie was able to take the
controls and feel how the aircraft responded to her commands.
Both Julie and her son found the flight exhilarating
and hope that others read this and understand the positive outcomes they can
enjoy from considering a trial flight with Aerobility.
Julie kindly sent us this photograph from the day.
If you know anyone that could benefit from our accessible aviation based and flying services, we'd love to hear from them - frontdesk@aerobility.com or call 0303 303 1230.