Posts by Guest User
Aerobility Return to Flight

We are as excited as everyone to be preparing to come out of lockdown. We just cannot wait to get you back in the skies. As you will imagine, after such a long time with our aircraft on the ground, it will be a gradual process but nevertheless, it’s one we are so pleased to be starting. So here is our plan and timings (assuming there is no necessary slide on dates from the Government):

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Guest User
Aerobility launches Armchair Aurora to ‘Light Up Lockdown’ with impressionist Jon Culshaw

Building on the success of Armchair Airshow, Aerobility, the UK’s leading disabled flying charity, along with Impressionist Jon Culshaw and Astronomer Pete Lawrence, is lining up a host of astronomers, scientists, aviators and artists for an hour long, live-streamed Armchair Aurora event on the evening of Saturday, March 13th.

The free to attend event will livestream via and will take viewers on a journey of wonder from their armchairs and into the skies.

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Guest User
Urban Air Mobility ‘must incorporate the needs of disabled citizens’. A White Paper from Aerobility and CIVATAglobal

We are on the edge of a transport revolution. Electric air taxis and drones will soon be improving the lives of millions of people around the world by adding a new dimension of affordable, green and accessible transport services to urban living. But if the promise - and full market value - of this new transport era is to be fully realised, it can only be done so on the basis of inclusivity. From the very start, Urban Air Mobility and Advanced Air Mobility Services need to be planned with the needs of those who stand to benefit most from its introduction – disabled communities. Passengers will be able to fly from origin to destination, in ways which seem only appropriate to science fiction... but this transformation in mobility, must be done correctly from the outset.

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Guest User
A Tribute to Brian Batley Hammond

A memory of the late Brian Batley Hammond who volunteered his time to help those at Aerobility. Tony Birth says “Brian showed himself to be a good and caring man who will be missed by those who have worked with him.”

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Guest User
It's our pleasure to introduce Stuart Rowbottom.

Stuart joins the Aerobilityteam in March 2018. His primary role will be management of the ‘Build a Plane’ project. He will be responsible for all aspects of the project delivery, ranging from personnel and time management (ensuring that the project maintains maximum momentum by ensuring a continuous number of volunteers are actively engaged in the project), through to budget management and close liaison with the LAA and CAA inspectorate.

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